CE 191 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems Analysis

Catalog Description

This course is organized around five real-world large-scale CEE systems problems. The problems provide the motivation for the study of quantitative tools that are used for planning or managing these systems. The problems include design of a public transportation system for an urban area, resource allocation for the maintenance of a water supply system, development of repair and replacement policies for reinforced concrete bridge decks, traffic signal control for an arterial street, scheduling in a large-scale construction project.

Lecture Slides from Fall 2014

No. Title
LEC00 Introduction
LEC01 Linear Programming
LEC02 LP Examples
LEC03 Graphical Solutions to LP
LEC04 Quadratic Programming
LEC05 Optimality Conditions & SQP
LEC06 Integer Programming
LEC07 Dijkstra's Algorithm
LEC08 Branch & Bound
LEC09 Mixed Integer Programming
LEC10 Intro to Nonlinear Programming
LEC11 Gradient Descent
LEC12 Barrier and Penalty Functions
LEC13 KKT Conditions
LEC14 Intro to Dynamic Programming
LEC15 DP Examples
LEC16 Combined Design & Control of a Fuel Cell Bus via Convex Programming
LEC17 Final Review

Course Notes from Fall 2014

Ch. Title
CH1 Linear Programming
CH2 Quadratic Programming
CH3 Integer Programming
CH4 Nonlinear Programming
CH5 Dynamic Programming

Lab Assignments from Fall 2014

No. Title
LAB1 Water Supply Network Optimization
LAB2 Energy Portfolio Optimization
LAB3 MILPs in Construction Project Management
LAB4 WIFI for All! Nonlinear Programming
LAB5 Cal Band Pregame Formations